One of the most important documents in your arsenal as a real estate agent is your listing presentation. This document is the key to convincing potential sellers to trust you with arguably their most valuable asset—their home. A listing presentation gives agents the opportunity to wow sellers and prove to them that you’re the right person for the job. In this article, we’ll share 10 tips for creating an epic seller’s listing presentation that will help you stand out from the competition and, most importantly, win the listing pitch. 

1. Be specific 

This is tip number one for a reason—it’s arguably the most important. In a listing pitch, you are selling yourself. Any agent can say they will execute a comprehensive marketing plan, put on an open house, reach out to their network, and send a couple of eblasts. These comments are far too vague to actually portray your value as a real estate expert. We live in a world where digital resources make it extremely easy for buyers and sellers to believe they can sell and buy homes without the help of an agent (and save money while at it).

This presentation is your opportunity to sell yourself and your expertise in such a way that the client believes that they need you and that you will get them the best results. So, throughout your LP get specific about how many potential customers you are reaching, exactly how your custom marketing plan will come together to get results, and why your open house will leave a lasting impression. 


2. Make your USP/value proposition clear 

Throughout your listing presentation, the sentiment of who you are as a person and the unique value you bring to the table should be clear at all times. That doesn’t necessarily mean you need to have a dedicated page spelling it out, but the thing that sets you apart from other agents should be clear throughout the entire presentation. 

(If that’s not clear to you, step number one is defining that clearly. Consider the unique skills, services, and expertise you bring to the table, and make sure that story is woven throughout your presentation such that the seller understands where your expertise lies.) 


3. Showcase your experience and credentials

Every listing presentation should include a section that showcases an agent’s experience and credentials. This might include years of experience in the real estate industry, sales volume, average days on the market, previous sales, and any relevant certifications or awards you’ve received. If those numbers aren’t impressive, use your previous career success and succinctly explain why that positions you to excel in real estate. If you’re specializing in a certain neighborhood, list the number of years you’ve lived in that area, thus demonstrating local expertise. This section is when you begin to establish credibility with potential sellers and show that you’re the right agent for the job.


4. Provide a detailed, digestible market analysis

One of the most valuable things you can provide to your sellers is a detailed market analysis. This should include information about recent sales in the area, the current state of the market, and any trends that are likely to affect the sale of the property. 

The key here is to present this information in a digestible manner. Remember that all other agents will be providing this information too, either in the LP itself or in a standalone comparative market analysis (CMA), so the key here is to present the information aesthetically and deliver strong, concise takeaways. What’s the implication of the average price per square foot being $800? How will the mortgage rates of today impact ROI if a seller lists their home tomorrow? By providing this information, you’ll show not only that you understand the local market (which every agent should), but that you can contextualize this information, communicate it effectively, and guide your client accordingly. 

neighborhood market analysis


5. Propose a listing price 

Your listing presentation should absolutely include a section that outlines your proposed listing price and explain the thinking behind it. This may include the pricing strategy you’re employing and why it’s in line with the current market comps, how you determined the value of the home, how you’ll prep the home for sale, and the strategies you’ll use to negotiate with buyers to ensure the home fetches the best possible price.


6. Outline your custom home-selling marketing plan

Your seller’s listing presentation should also include a detailed and customized marketing plan. In reference to Tip #1, this is exactly the place to get specific. This section should include information about the channels you’ll use to market the property (e.g., what home-selling platforms will the home be listed on, where and how on social media will you be promoting it, whether you’re considering any print materials or ads), statistics for why you’re choosing those channels and how they align with the ideal buyer of the specific home, as well as any special tactics you plan to use to generate interest in the property (e.g., open houses, video campaigns, virtual tours). By demonstrating that you’ve prepared a customized and data-backed marketing plan, you’ll show potential sellers that you’re organized, thoughtful, hard-working, and most importantly committed to getting their property sold quickly and for the best possible price.


7. Humble brag through references & testimonials

98% of consumers feel that reviews are an essential resource when making a purchase decision. Real estate agents are by no means immune from the power of social proof. Your LP should feature three to five reviews from previous clients that highlight the skills you referenced earlier in the presentation. This will show that you have a track record of success and that your previous clients were satisfied with the service you provided. 

five star reviews


8. Address common seller concerns

Your listing presentation should also be used to address common concerns that sellers have about the home selling process. This includes info about how the home selling process works, how long it typically takes to sell a home in the area, how much the seller can expect to pay in commissions, property fees, and closing costs, the vendors that are part of the home selling process, and how you’ll handle any issues that arise during the sale process. 


9. Leverage the tools of your brokerage 

As an agent, you’re bringing a specific skill set to the table, but your brokerage is also a tool on your belt to up your game and provide you with tools to succeed. The large majority of real estate agents tout the power of their brokerage in their listing presentation and we recommend doing so as well. Whether your firm allows you to tap into a global network of buyers, offers in-house PR support to publicize your listings, or supplies you with access to technology, including this information in your deck will allow you to compete better with other agents and show the seller that they’re not only hiring you but the team behind your brokerage, too. 


10. Have it look the part 

Regardless of whether you’re pitching to sell a $15M Manhattan penthouse or a $500,000 two-bedroom, a listing presentation needs to look and feel luxe. This document is a visual summary of your skills as an agent and it should look the part. Avoid text-heavy sections, utilize beautiful, high-resolution images, stick to your brand colors, and ensure consistent spacing and fonts. 


Neon Wolf Consulting specializes in custom-designed listing presentations. To learn more, get in touch today. 


Your listing presentation is your chance to demonstrate your expertise, build trust with potential sellers, and win listings. By following these 10 tips, you’ll be well on your way to creating an epic listing presentation that sets you apart from the competition. Remember, the key is to tell a story around the unique value you provide, visually demonstrate your experience and credentials, and tailor your presentation to the specific needs of each seller and property. Good luck! 

10 Tips for Creating an Epic Listing Presentation 

by | May 10, 2023

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